Mailing Address
You can send payments to:
Brand X Internet
Box 7248
Santa Monica CA 90406
Billing Form
If you want to pay online or need to update your credit card, you can use this form:
You can also use this form if you want to pass other information to our billing department.
Most of our customers are billed monthly. Our month goes from the first to the first of each month. We do our billing usually on about the 27th of each month, for the coming month. At that time we run cards for customers on autobilling. Bills are sent out thirty days in advance. All bills are due on the date on the bill. There is no such thing as "net 30". Late fees may be assessed which may be as much as $10 plus 3% per month, plus any costs involved in collection.
Closing Accounts
All good things will come to an end someday. When you close your account, just send us an email at, with a copy to yourself. Give us two weeks notice to make it happen.
Some types of accounts are month to month, and can be cancelled at will without penalty. We prefer to do things this way.
Accounts with one year term become month to month afterwards, and may be closed at any time after the one year term is up.
Terms and Conditions
Terms of service are fairly simple. We expect customers to pay their bills in full and on time. We do not allow "bulk mailing" aka "spam". We don't to be a source of porn, or anything else that is a nuisance. We do not censor and we keep customer information private. Other than that, we want you to use and enjoy the internet. Full details may be found on the Terms and Conditions page.