How to send email when you are outside the Brand X Network

Our servers require a username and password for sending.

If you have trouble with that you can always use our webmail

We include instructions for Outlook and Thunderbird, though other email programs should work too. If you are using Thunderbird you should read the Outlook instructions first.

First, you need to get a mail sending account. This is free for the asking if you are a Brand X customer. Just email, indicate your email address and a suggested password, and we will set it up, no charge.

Here are the settings you need to set up outgoing email, regardless of what email program you are using.

Outgoing Server: (not the same as incoming server)
Port 10025
SASL encrypted password OFF 
Email Sending Username = (you need this)
Email Sending Password = (you need this)

Most mail programs have dozens of settings but these are the ones you need in order to send email. The rest can mostly be ignored.

Specific instructions for some popular mail programs for Windows, Mac and iPhone are found on their respective help pages on our website.

Common problems: